The Lingua Franca that is English

There are tourists and there are travelers. What's the difference between the two?  One blogger has described the difference thus: ' The difference between a tourist and a traveler is that the traveler goes to a place without any preconceptions, whereas the tourist has already decided on how he’s going to experience it. The traveler has an open mind and lets the place happen to him. The tourist brings with him his own environment and expectations, thereby diluting (polluting?)

The Top 10 Destinations in the World in 2013

Let's face it, we all love lists! Compilations of the 10 fastest this, or 10 most expensive or exclusive that appear to exert a magnetic draw on our collective curiosity that has to be satiated! I cam across the following list just today and what amuses me about it is that it claims to indicate the 10 top travel destinations in the world as voted for by Facebook users. How could that be when we're

Hungary? Check out Budapest

Not too long ago, Hungary and more particularly its capital — Budapest — was playing host to modern-day hoards of Irish investors who flocked to the city in search of new fortunes. Sadly, it was not to be as Budapest became victim to the same over inflated property prices like everywhere else around the world. Since then, the city has declined in its popularity as a destination for Irish tourists which is a real shame as the

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