One of the most common mistakes that we often find people making when planning their overseas trips is the tendency to compare the cost of one itinerary against that of another without factoring in all the other components that ultimately add to the overall cost of such travel plans. In other words, people have a tendency to just compare the ‘packaged’ price of competing holiday offers instead of looking at everything ‘in the round’. Cruising would be a good example of this. When comparing the costs associated with a cruise versus say, a typical one or two week resort-based holiday, travellers really need to add in the costs of those items that are not included in the resort-based package (e.g. meals, entertainment etc.) in order to arrive at a more realistic figure as these are items that are going to be paid for anyway, at the end of the day. When such like-for-like comparisons are made which factor in all those extras that are included in one option but have to be paid for in the other, one tends to get a much more realistic overview of the true costs associated with competing holiday options and the results can very often be quite revealing!
The art of getting a quote that is both competitive in price and relevant to your needs starts with gathering all the right information about what you want to do (or think you want to do!).