4°37′S 55°27′E — The coordinates of Paradise!

Here's a quick quiz for you and see if you can guess correctly, where I'm talking about?: The inhabitants consume 114.6 litres of beer per annum — second only to the Czech Republic in annual consumption 15% of the population work in tourism 88% of the country is covered in forest. (more…)

Where’s the nicest place you’ve ever been?

It's a question I get asked all the time, when people find out what I do for a living and genuinely, my stock response up to relatively recently was always: 'The last place I visited'. Whilst this may sound like me trying to avoid the question it wasn't! It was because of a combination of me being unable to single out any one destination for honourable mention and the fact that I love everyplace I

Paradise — and where you can find it!

Much of our vocabulary in daily use has become increasingly diminished because of the overuse of certain words or adjectives. Common sense would suggest that everything simply can't be 'great' or 'brilliant' or 'unique. A prefect example of this phenomenon is the overuse of the word 'paradise' — in the material, rather than the metaphysical sense! Many destinations claim to be paradise or evocative of it and whilst many of these destinations are undoubtedly beautiful in their own

The art of getting a quote that is both competitive in price and relevant to your needs starts with gathering all the right information about what you want to do (or think you want to do!).